
Basic Implementation

Name Age Gender Height Province Sport
Jill Smith 25 Female 5'4 British Columbia Volleyball
John Stone 30 Male 5'9 Ontario Badminton
Jane Strip 29 Female 5'6 Manitoba Hockey
Gary Mountain 21 Male 5'8 Alberta Curling
James Camera 31 Male 6'1 British Columbia Hiking

Modifying Breakpoint

Name Age Gender Height Province Sport
Jill Smith 25 Female 5'4 British Columbia Volleyball
John Stone 30 Male 5'9 Ontario Badminton
Jane Strip 29 Female 5'6 Manitoba Hockey
Gary Mountain 21 Male 5'8 Alberta Curling
James Camera 31 Male 6'1 British Columbia Hiking
    breakpoint: 768,

Force Responsive Off

Name Age Gender Height Province Sport
Jill Smith 25 Female 5'4 British Columbia Volleyball
John Stone 30 Male 5'9 Ontario Badminton
Jane Strip 29 Female 5'6 Manitoba Hockey
Gary Mountain 21 Male 5'8 Alberta Curling
James Camera 31 Male 6'1 British Columbia Hiking
    forceResponsive: false,

Max Height

Name Age Gender Height Province Sport
Jill Smith 25 Female 5'4 British Columbia Volleyball
John Stone 30 Male 5'9 Ontario Badminton
Jane Strip 29 Female 5'6 Manitoba Hockey
Gary Mountain 21 Male 5'8 Alberta Curling
James Camera 31 Male 6'1 British Columbia Hiking
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Use Media Query Over JS Resize

Name Age Gender Height Province Sport
Jill Smith 25 Female 5'4 British Columbia Volleyball
John Stone 30 Male 5'9 Ontario Badminton
Jane Strip 29 Female 5'6 Manitoba Hockey
Gary Mountain 21 Male 5'8 Alberta Curling
James Camera 31 Male 6'1 British Columbia Hiking
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Two Axis Styling

Name Age Gender Height Province Sport
Jill Smith 25 Female 5'4 British Columbia Volleyball
John Stone 30 Male 5'9 Ontario Badminton
Jane Strip 29 Female 5'6 Manitoba Hockey
Gary Mountain 21 Male 5'8 Alberta Curling
James Camera 31 Male 6'1 British Columbia Hiking
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